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Thursday 9th March 2023


On it goes. Terrible night’s sleep and a very tough day of snot and coughing. What do you write about when you’ve been in bed all day and your brain is too fugged up (I said fugged) to think about anything? If only I hadn’t blown those AI blogs last weekend I could have handed this entry over to the robots.
I don’t know if I will get better, but today was the worst day so far. I was still around to help with the kids (a little bit, though I almost fell asleep on Ernie’s bean bag when he was reading to me) and I did some minimal dishwasher loading, but I wasn’t in any fit state to talk to my puppets. Even though they do most of the talking. 
I watched a few episodes of the Apprentice, which I haven’t really watched for ages. It turned out that I was watching last year’s series, but it doesn’t really make any difference. Different year, same twats,  being judged by the same twat, who luckily never expresses personal opinions on Twitter. Or no left wing ones at least.
But it’s fun trying to work out which contestant or host will turn into a right wing commentator/politician this time. I look forward to the day that Lord Sugar is President of the UK (or whatever parts of it remain by then).
It’s fun watching people making terrible products and logos and pitches, but I do wonder how many professionals in any of the areas involved would be able to do a fantastic job in the timeframe. Obviously they probably wouldn’t make some of the more hilarious mistakes, but if you could easily create a new video game or baby food or toothbrush in a couple of days then everyone would be doing it. So even though I am a creative person, would I be able to do any of these things efficiently. I am not sure. I’d be better than everyone on the show though, but what they are being asked to do is incredible difficult.
I think the programme could probably benefit from a 55 year old man who thinks that Alan Sugar is a fucking idiot trying to get £250,000 to invest in his podcast business.  So I might apply.
The Apprentice is obviously all a bit pretend. Which makes it weird when the candidates actually get some orders, especially as in one task where they are providing self-driving cars on a 6 month contract. Because surely they are unable to provide that, so the people saying they will pay money for that are only role-playing. If not then one of the teams made over a million pounds from the self-driving car task and so would be better of leaving the Apprentice and doing that full time. But if none of it is real (which it clearly isn’t, except when they’re selling sandwiches and stuff) then it’s pretty easy to manipulate the process. Which obviously they do,
This series doesn’t seem to really have many if any strong candidates, which is unusual. But there’s no point in telling you now as I am looking at last year’s candidates. I don’t even have a favourite. Perfect viewing for when you’re feeling like you’d rather be dead than alive. Put it on the poster.

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