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Wednesday 24th March 2021


Thanks to everyone who nominated me for a Chortle Legend of Lockdown award. Obviously I knew this was coming, as I'd already been sent the award and filmed my acceptance speech, but it's a welcome acknowledgment at the end of a tough year and for once, I acutally think I probably deserve it.
I am in great company here and especially delighted to see Rob Sedgebeer get a well deserved nod (he and Steve McNeil were very helpful when we set up our Twitch channel, but Rob has been doing my websites and much more since the mid 90s). Some really lovely comments from the people who voted for me, which I can now use as quotes on posters and say that they come from Chortle (who would never be so effusive) so double bubble.
I absolutely could not have done anything I've done in the last 12 months (or a great load of what I've done in the last 16 or 17 years
What a year and a day it's been since the first lockdown. And when you see all the stuff I achieved last year listed like that, even I am surprised by how much I did. And it wasn't like we didn't have to look after two young kids as well, but I guess a lot of travel time was saved. 
The whole year had a dream like quality and the last two months even more so. None of this bollock stuff even feels remotely real even now. Even when I reach down and feel the absence. Was there really anything there before?
I am getting more convinced that I am just a character in a virtual reality simulation or video game or just a person in someone else's dream. This stuff really smacks of the fifty-third series of a reality show where they're really running out of ideas. Someone told me that Charley Boorman only has one ball too. The guy who looks like me and who I get mistaken for and who advertises Herring shoes. C'mon.
I am going to play along, but it also feels too much of a sweet deal that I've been born in a human body, at a time where human life is extremely comfortable, in a country where (at least until they started getting obsessed with flags, which is usually a sign that things are going to go so horribly wrong that in a couple of decades you aren't allowed to show that flag any more) the standard of living is especially good and where I've made a better than average living and found a woman that's too good for me to marry and had two pretty decent kids…. Yeah, come on. This isn't real. I'm not even funny. I'm being punk'd.
Like I say, I am not breaking character though. I will go along with it.
Even though I feel happier and healthier and more positive than makes any real sense given what I have gone through and am still going through. 
Had a great time researching the multi-talented Andi Osho today and she was utterly charming and delightful company for an hour and a bit this evening. It's great to see her excelling in so many different creative areas and getting the buzz that she definitely deserves. She's won Mastermind twice. She's properly brainy and it was interesting talking to her about comedy, acting and dating. Out in three weeks (though you can watch in Twitch videos).
It was a lot less eventful than the RHLSTP from three weeks ago that went up today with Packahontas himself, Jeremy “Packalackadackdack” Paxman, is now up wherever you get your podcasts (like here).

Or for the full experience watch on youtube

I think it's one of the best ones and it's being mentioned in the same breath as Blessed. It wasn't easy, though I was more worried about the technical aspects than the guest's comedic bullishness. But I lulled him into a false sense of security with my bumbling and got him to open up a bit. 
@LockPaxman on Twitter for all the news on his podcast.

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