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Monday 28th March 2022


What a fantastic story, moral quandary and distraction from the rest of the horrible world this morning started with! It was as fun to see the hot takes, each trying to out do each other with a personal story or a more woke interpretation (that's the only time I will use the word woke, but in this instance, it may almost be justified). It's possible for two people to be in the wrong, but all I know is that if one of my kids calls the other one a smelly bum and the other one hits them, they're both in trouble, but the one who did the hitting is in more trouble. Hope that helps us come to some kind of resolution.
The joke was shit and insensitive. Though some might argue that he was trying to make a positive statement - being GI Jane isn't a bad thing and Demi Moore looked amazing. Wouldn't quite buy it, but there's the possibility of blurring. He fucked up, but I don't think he intended to mock alopecia, which doesn't mean he didn't.
See the knots that you tie yourself in.
Smith started with the moral high ground. And pretty much any reaction other than a violent one would have left him there. He might even have got to higher ground. He might have made the story simply about the crapness of these kind of hack jokes at award ceremonies (though arguably his actions did more than words to prevent these in the future). Whoever is right or wrong - and violence is usually wrong, but not always so it's still not cut and dried - the incident overshadowed the whole night, the successes of all the other people and of course, turned what should have been Smith's most memorable moment of his career into his most memorable moment of his career. Rather than being the man who won an Oscar, he will be the man who slapped someone at the Oscars (and then won an Oscar). I think the slap might even have been OK and could have been passed off as playful, with a proper edge of menace, if that had been it - it's the unconcealed entitled fury that comes after that is the worst bit for me. 
But partly I am speaking as a comedian who has had to deal with people determined to ruin the night for everyone else, because they have got drunk or whatever and indignant and convinced they are the centre of the world. If I was the multi-millionaire about to be given a big prize in front of all my peers and Chris Rock overstepped the line…. Yeah I wouldn't slap him. But that's more about me than anything.
It's definitely a positive thing to stand up for your family and against crap comedy. And when emotions are heightened then things can get out of control. 
I think the kid analogy is best. If it was my kids I'd make sure that everyone apologised to everyone else, threaten to take the award away, but then not take it away and move on to the next one. 
I am only really saying that this was all very childish. But what fun.
Your opinions on the matter are equally valid. If you think you've got the definitive take then you are wrong. And I will come and fucking slap you. 

Two more extraordinary RHLSTPs tonight, which were very enjoyable, although again it was a little perturbing to see maybe our smallest audience ever (at the LST) in front of what was always a great line-up (even though it changed). Quality, not quantity though. I'd be interested to hear from you if you're someone who has come regularly or semi-regularly in the past but hasn't come this time. Is it Covid? Working from home? The fact that you can live stream? Because you've got bored with it? Because you haven't got the spare cash any more? I assume a mixture of these things. I am not too worried, but the show is so much more fun with a big crowd so would love to be able to help out if possible. Download numbers are still strong, so I think it's probably external issues. Maybe I should do a little questionnaire!
Thanks to those of you who came and to the two champions who bought guest mugs to raise funds for Ukraine. Deborah Frances-White is a force of nature (and as you'll see, possibly able to communicate with nature). You never know what will happen with this show. And Celeste and Freya from Lazy Susan were wonderfully unassuming and down to earth and funny too.
Two more shows this series - after a little break. Come along if you can.

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