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Monday 26th September 2022


Another smash hit double bill at the Leicester Square Theatre tonight. Bob Mortimer got the loudest reception that I think I’ve ever heard in this theatre and didn’t disappoint with the interview. What an utter joy to talk with this man, who can make even the most banal sentence hilariously funny, and to occasionally make him laugh in return. He is modest and unassuming and surely the nicest man in show business. Especially if you take into account his level of success, which would turn some people’s heads (Holly and Phil). I don’t think he has any idea how talented he is, but maybe if he did it would put him off. 
I finished his novel yesterday and it’s very strongly in the voice of Bob Mortimer, but clearly that’s a great thing. It’s a gripping story that keeps you guessing and is in some ways an alternate time line of what his life might have been (probably without the crime and dangers) had he not met Vic Reeves. But how many comedy geniuses are there out there who didn’t happen to walk into the right pub at the right time?
And it was also great to chat to Elis, Steff and Mike from the phenomenally Socially Distant Sports Bar podcast, which will be doing a gig to 5000 people in Cardiff in February! It’s mind-blowing that a podcast can explode like this, but I can see why it captured the lockdown mood (and beyond). It’s ostensibly about sport but becomes about much more and the hosts are all so likeable and different, yet united by their love of competitive games - but allowing that to spiral out into chats about funny things that have happened to them and more serious issues that have affected them. It’s just good to see people talking opening about their lives, especially men who haven’t always been the best at that.  Having read Ian Stone’s book about the Jam and football in the seventies and Leigh Pickett’s book about the changes in attitudes amongst fire fighters, it does feel like things are moving in a good direction. The violence and machoism of 20th Century men has not disappeared of course, but at least now men can talk about their feelings and experiences and expect a sympathetic response rather than being told to man up or grow some balls (I’ve tried, it’s not possible). Mostly though these guys are just funny and I loved meeting Mike Bubbins who is an extraordinary individual and very funny indeed.
Even better is that all the guests donated their fees to Save a Life Cymru which is aiming to get as many defibrillators in sports clubs as possible, so it’s possible that this night of mostly stupidity might actually save someone’s life. The government of this country is fucked up right now, but I hope it is grinding itself into the ground and that a leap forwards will follow this step back, but until that time I think that the people who are making money, but paying less tax might have to volunteer to pay that unnecessary windfall into organisations that need the cash. Will people be prepared to tax themselves? Probably not many. But it would be nice to view it as a chunk of money that the government has given you back in order to spend on the cause that you think deserves it. Rather than like regular tax where it goes into weapons or ministers' friends’ pockets. 
Any rich people want to join me in trying to make that a thing?
If you’re lucky enough to be earning, which all the people on stage tonight are, then I hope you will consider what good even a tiny amount of your earnings can do. It feels really nice to do something positive. If you thought that hiding all your cash in an off shore account was satisfying, then see how you feel after you spend it on someone else. 

As always an absolute pleasure and as always it’s made by the audience. I can’t tell you how much you contribute, but I also know that this is the best value Monday night out available for the ticket price. It’s understandably why a double headline bill like tonight’s should early sell out, but I am still at a loss to fathom why some of the other excellent bills have not sold even half the tickets. If you can get down to one of the October line-ups we’d love to see you there.
But just listening to the shows and the 

My guest for the bonus RHLSTP at the Bedford Pub in Balham at 3pm on 8th October will be the brilliant Ria Lina. Buy tickets here 

And badgers and plussers have two lots of exciting guest news for the Leicester Square Theatre. Newsletter subscribers will find out next - why not subscribe NOW! 

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