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Wednesday 28th September 2022


If people of the future (if applicable) are wondering what it was like to live through the years 2016-2022 and beyond (if applicable), let me tell you that it was absolutely fucking bewildering. Every time I think the worst possible thing has happened, something even worse comes along. You think that surely that has to be it now. Sure things will still be tough, but at least we’re heading out of the tunnel now. Nothing will be as bad. But then the next thing comes along and makes you nostalgic for the last bad thing and realise that the tunnel never ends. Or at least never emerges. Just ends deep in the ground where it becomes your tomb.
You’d think at some point everyone would rise up and say, hold on, that’s too far. And maybe they will. But it hasn’t happened yet. Like we’re submerged in warm water, which is being steadily heated and we’re not able to discern the point at which this is going to kill us.
So yeah, I’ve read history books and wondered why people have sat back whilst their rulers are doing bad things and why they didn’t stand up and stop it and now I am living in those difficult times I discover that as each of these things happen you flounder in disbelief. It’s so discombobulating to see leaders acting in a way that makes no sense that your inclination is to either laugh or cry, but feel powerless to change things. After all the cost of living crisis and the energy bills and Covid, it would seem obvious that the priority of any government that cares about its people would be to do something for the poorest people first. So when the new PM and her Chancellor announce tax cuts for the richest people then it’s hard to do anything but jibber and jabber and assume that you’re in a weird dream or a coma. It’s so ridiculous that you almost think there must be some insanely clever plan behind it. Until you see all the financial markets panicking the fuck out. 
It feels like Brewster’s Millions or that things are being deliberately tanked so that people can make fortunes betting against the UK on the markets. But surely no government would sabotage the country like that? Aren’t they meant to be looking out for us?
There’s so much wrong with our current political system and the only positive I can see is that my grinding things into the ground we might reach a place where there is some proper reform. It’s time for the UK to look to the future (realistically) and not the past. 
But if you’re watching this from the safe distance of time and know how bad things turn out and wonder why we didn’t do anything. It was the bamboozlement. We’re a pretty good load of people (sprinkled with a few cunts, who rise to the top like stale croutons) and we didn’t mean for things to go the way they did. But what can you do?

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