I was perusing the popular website pornhub today. Because I am writing a book about someone who uses pornography and this was research for that. I wouldn’t want you thinking this is the kind of thing that I do for my own grim satisfaction. Though it would be understandable if I did, because I have aphantasia and am unable to form mental images so imagine how hard it is to get off on that.
But like I say it was research for my book.
I happened to click the search tab - not because the home page did not have anything of sufficient depravity to pique my interest, just because I wanted to see what kinds of things the kind of awful person I was writing that book about might be interested in. It showed the most popular searched terms on the site, so brace yourself for a dive into the well of human awfulness,.
The top searched term on pornhub (at least today) was “porn videos”.
I don’t know what that says about my fellow pornhub users (not that I am one of course, this was research like I said) but it seems a bit redundant to go to a website that is exclusively made up of porn videos and then search for porn videos. At least I suppose it will discount any of the non-porn videos that have been accidentally uploaded, meaning that you don’t waste a second of masturbatory time on something without cocks in it (or women parts if that’s your thing, which it would be if I was interested in this, but I’m not. Not sure why I went for cocks first, but I don’t use this site so that’s probably why).
I did click on the link and it did bring up porn videos to be fair and different porn videos than the ones on my home page, which are specifically tailored to my needs based on previous viewings- which is zero viewings, so just random stuff (amazing how extreme most of it was given I am a newbie), so maybe it’s the way to go. But give the search engine a chance. You don’t go on Google and search for everything on the internet. At least put in “porn videos with cocks in them” or whatever you would most like to see. I’d like to see whatever it is that women have, not cocks.
There are quite a few porn videos on pornhub. Try to give them some parameters.
I’ll let you know when the book about people who use porn is out. Might be a while. Probably best just to forget all about it for now.