I spent all day today thinking it was Sunday, then realising it was Saturday, but then forgetting about and thinking it was Sunday. At one point , even though I had previously ascertained it was Saturday, thinking it was Sunday and worrying that I'd missed my gig in Balham. I know I'm nearly 56, but still.
I watched the speculation about which TV presenter had been paying a teenager to send them mucky pics. There were a lot of men disgusted about someone wanting to see pictures of someone so young and so I presume they are all different people than the men who look at the kind of thing on porn sites. They wouldn't be so hypocritical. Even though there seems to be a lot of that kind of porn and not very much of older women, I am sure those brave sentinels of what is right are only looking at images of women within a respectable 2 year range of their own age.
There seems some correlation between those who are the keenest to call other people nonce and the actual nonces. And I realise that I have just called other people nonces there and so by my own logic have incriminated myself. But I am not a nonce. Those nonces are nonces. NONCES!
Not to defend the actions of whoever this presenter is, of course. If they have done something wrong or illegal or out of keeping with their image then I don't think there's much doubt that we will all know about it within a few days and will, if necessary be dealt with by the police and their career will be certainly over. But the speculation about who it might be on social media was revealing and again, ridiculously hypocritical. Why had the BBC not immediately suspended this person that I am randomly accusing the minute that they were accused? Might it be because people randomly accuse people of stuff like this all the time, often with no evidence and often based on the fact they just don't like them, so it's hard to spot the real accusations from the supposition? So your false accusations are actually part of the problem - making it hader for the real ones to be dealt with.
Early reports seemed to suggest that the teenager was female (though they later referred to them as "them" so it might have been an error - I genuinely don't know) so it seemed unlikely that a couple of the high profile very much gay men were in the frame. One of them didn't release a statement saying it wasn't him, so that made the people accusing him even more certain of his guilt, many of them congratulating themselves for always knowing he was a pervert (which said more about the accusers than anyone else). All of these people carried on merrily tossing around accusations and names and "proof" seemingly without any idea that they could be fined huge sums for their guesses. But some of them were so sure their guesses were accurate that they didn't seem to care, because you can't defame someone who is guilty. Never mind that the accused people then rightly confirmed their innocence.
Being human I did really want to know who it was though. I was as fascinated, but not stupid enough to try and guess based on who was trending on Twitter or because someone who was possibly a nonce themselves saying they'd always known a celebrity was a nonce.
Takes one to know one is a hard and fast rule of the legal system. But those people's laywers can argue that given the accusers chose a non-nonce as a nonce, that proves they didn't know one, and so couldn't possibly be one and thus they've got off scot free.