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Sunday 7th January 2024

Given we'd got home about midnight and I'd then done my jigsaw, I was expecting to be knocked out today, but had a surprising amount of energy. I don't know if I've been ill for the last fortnight or just tired from actually having to do stuff (back to work tomorrow, which means I can get some rest), but things have been sluggish for me. Mainly delighted to get back to healthy eating (I have only put on a couple of kilos in the last two weeks of not really giving a fuck, which is better than I'd thought it would be) and I made an amazing cauliflower and carrot dahl which might be my favourite meal I've cooked since starting Zoe (or my body might just have been grateful to eat something that wasn't mainly bread and cheese).
It's almost like what you eat affects how you feel.
Catie isn't too well so I let her rest up for most of the day. I went to the supermarket, played Pictionary with the kids, (did my jigsaw - looking good), made our dinners and put them to bed.
The cats chewed through the lights on the Christmas tree, which very luckily for them were unplugged (I think if Catie had been more with it she would definitely have put them on for the last time). I am happy to lose the ginger cat as he's a prick and gives me the evil eye, but I'd be sad if the other one was electrocuted to death. Also it happened when the kids were in the room and I was doing my jigsaw, so it might have been scarring for them to watch a cat die. Though they didn't call me in to warn me that the cats were destroying the tree.
The cats only seemed to realise the tree was a source of play very late on (they also took apart a couple of the decorations that the kids had made - like I say, the ginger one is a cunt), which was probably lucky for them and us. Catie took the decorations off this evening and I dragged the thing out into the street. Christmas is over.
Thank God.
With everyone in bed I was able to get some proper jigsawing done. It's really interesting doing one without a picture. It's surprisingly satisfying when a jumble of pieces suddenly comes together and you realise what the fuck it was meant to be. Aiming to become a progessional jigsawer in 2024. I don't want to compete as it's all about relaxation, but I can charge people to complete jigsaws for them I guess. £1 a piece.

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