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Monday 23rd September 2024

And lo, ye ftone Gods did see that their loyal fubject only had a few dayf to complete his tafk and fo did they did fend a ftorm to wafh away all the foil.....
I did a couple of not-for-broadcast stone clears today. In the first I went into my real stone clearing field. The one I broadcast for is just a deception to keep the Stone Stasi on their toes. Like Tom, Dick and Harry in the Great Escape, I keep a few fields going, lest one has to be shut down. It's against all the rules of stone clearing, but then there are no rules to stone clearing.
My most impressive cairn is at the top of a hill and I don't go there very often because I am lazy, but the ground up there is littered with large stones and so I've built a cairn that is visible from the other side of the valley (and probably space). I doubt I will come back here again, even if I do return for the podcast. But only time will tell. If it's the last time, then I managed to add a few more impressive rocks. I was going to come down the lane by the side of this field, but it had turned into a river.
At lunch I took Wolfie up to the decoy field and the most notable thing was that the path on they way there (Duckett's Passage as I call it) had been washed into the road. All the shingle and a lot of mud. The road was thick with debris. And when I got to the field itself the damage was even clearer. The stone Gods had sent this downpour to wash away a lot of the top soil and what was left behind were billions of stones. Stones that would have been too deep for me to get to if it were not for the Gods' assistance. If this doesn't make you believe in the true Gods of this universe then nothing will and I feel sorry for you.
In a sense it just made my task look even more difficult. But in another wrong sense, it made it easier. And I cleared many stones and got muddy fingers and boots. Which is a good day for a stone clearer. I can do this.
Incredible to see the damage wrought by nature/gods though. I would have thought Stone Gods would be afraid of water, as that is the only enemy of the stone, slowly wearing them down, but it's not my place to question their ways.
I will miss having nature, brown in mud and shit, right on my doorstep, but the stones they must be cleared and the stones voices shall call me back here again. Maybe not up the hill though. I have my limits.

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