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Saturday 26th April 2003

I went out tonight with a few stragglers who are still in town after the comedy festival. We were having a drink in a club at a table near the toilets.
It was quite dark there and there was an unexpected step down and it was amusing me greatly to observe all the people who didn't spot the step and then staggered. The look of surprise on their faces was good, but better was their attempts to regain dignity after their childish error. I think it was probably especially funny when it was a woman, partly because they were all dressed up in their Saturday night finery and there's something hilarious about a sophisticated-looking woman nearly falling on her arse and partly because they had clearly just finished preening themselves in the ladies and were making their big entrance to the club.
Anyway you probably had to be there, but it was very amusing, especially when I realised how many idiots made the same simple mistake.
After a while I tired of the game and chatted away drunkenly to the other comics. Eventually I had drunk enough liquid to require me to empty my bladder. I find this easiest to do by going to a toilet and urinating through my penis, so I excused myself and carried out my plan.
On the way back to the table I had forgotten about that extra step and it caught me by surprise and I stumbled on it. "Oh no," I thought, "I have done the very thing that I have been laughing at others for. What if the other comics have seen. They will laugh at me for my double stupidity."
I thought all that as I stumbled.
I regained my composure and found myself doing exactly the same kind of pathetic attempt to regain my composure that had made me laugh when others did it.
Luckily no-one else had seen me, although I wish I could have had the incident on film, because my expression as the realisation of my own stupidity must have been hilarious.

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