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Sunday 20th June 2010

A Sunday newspaper snapped up and coming comedian Jack Whitehall taking a cocaine (strangely in the street off the back of his blackberry - strange because he doesn't have an iPhone) and Chortle speculated that this might lose him his job. Really? Is it that a big deal? He's not one of the Teletubbies (I don't think - though one of them was a comedian as it happens and I would be very surprised if he had never taken coke). Are Channel 4 really going to start firing people who take cocaines? Because if so there won't be many people left in the building. Though it might be a chance for the cast of AIOTM to get on telly - with the possible exception of Christian and I am only basing that on the fact that he wears a cool hat.
Does anyone care if someone takes cocaine any more? Isn't that a part of a lot of people's weekends these days? I think it's a dumb drug taken by pricks which tends to make them bigger pricks, but if the pricks don't feel they are pricky enough then I don't have a problem with them doing it. So is this worth any furore at all? If you take it in the street off the back of a phone then maybe you deserve a slap on the wrist, but it's not worth putting in the paper.Is it?
My clever girlfriend pointed out to me that the timing of the incident seems a little fortuitous. Jack is part of a new Channel 4 comedy show starting this week. Did some PR twat think that if one of the comics got paper doing something naughty that this would give him and the show some much needed publicity and make him and it seem edgy to the partying crowd that they want to attract? Even pricks who take cocaine are usually smart enough to do it in a toilet or a hidden away alcove. Who would do it in the street? Especially In a world where everyone now has a camera on their phone. Interesting theory.
Coincidentally I couldn't get a line on my phone today. It had full signal and the Internet was working, but I couldn't make calls or texts. It was a little annoying. I was too busy to sort it out and my broken broadband had literally just started working properly and now here was another problem. Modern life is rubbish. As it happened I wasn't very inspired and the script was further away than ever from being ready ( and very near to having been begun) as I continued to dare myself to leave it later and later. I was tired and grouchy and a little hungover and on a day like today it is hard to be funny, especially at speed. If only I took cocaine I might have more get up and go. And also be able to get on TV!

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