My exercise and healthy eating regime has been going very well. I have managed to make it to the gym on seven of the eight days I have been here and weighed myself today to discover that I have lost 3kg in a week. Given that you can usually expect to put on about 2kg a week whilst at the Fringe (due to existing on a diet of beer and deep-fried Mars Bars) this is in fact can be collated to become a total loss of 5kg in real terms. Hopefully I can keep it up on some level, even when the tiredness and depression really starts to hit home!
I was on a high this morning after doing the best show of the run so far on Sunday night. Everyone seemed to get what I was doing and everyone stayed til the end and I was finding new subtleties in the performance. You have to love being a comedian, because to go from the travesty at the Gilded Balloon to a delight like this in the space of about 18 hours, shows just how arbitrary the whim of the audience is. You know unless I just got really good in my sleep.
I got my first review in Metro today, which was three stars which was a little disappointing. Especially as the review had little to nothing negative to say about the show and read like it might be worth more stars. I hate the stars system. You know except when they give me loads of stars.
More importantly the interview with Stewart and me was out in the Guardian . High profile stuff like this probably do more to help audience numbers than anything else. And as long as they come then I will have a nice time.
Tonight was the last night with cheap tickets and again gratifyingly I had a full house. Doubtless tomorrow will see a big dip in numbers, but in audience number terms it has been my most successful Fringe ever. It was much harder work tonight (again showing how arbitrary all this can be). I dont think I was quite on top form, but also a small proportion of people were a little bamboozled by the nature of my material. I got one walk-out from a woman on the front row, but interestingly her husband elected to stay and see the rest of the show. Ive managed to break up a marriage! I observed.
Of course there was every chance that she was leaving for another reason than having been offended (though it was in the middle of the Pope bit). It was very hot in the venue and maybe she was unwell. I think I managed to be reasonably amusing about it anyway.