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Talking Cock book events

Dear all Publication of Talking Cock has been put back to October 14th. If you don't want to wait that long, there's a slightly re-ordered extract from the introduction in this month's Arena magazine.

More Talking C*ck

Hello everyone, Just to update you on all Richard Herring based news. On October 3rd the long awaited "Talking Cock" book will be published by Ebury. I am very pleased with it, so if you've filled in the questionnaire why not buy it to see if any of your answers have made it into print!

Talking Cock - new gigs

Dear all Just to let you know of some new and imminent Talking Cock gigs at the end of the month. From Wednesday 28th May until Sunday June 1st I will be appearing at The Warehouse Theatre in Croydon.

Hello everyone, Just to let you know that is now active.
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