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Monday 22nd January 2024

A RHLSTP Emergency Questions compilation went up today it's the one about what one item you'd take from an art gallery or museum and it prompted quite a few people on Twitter to give me their own answers, including a unicorn skeleton, a 20000 year old dildo and I think the HMS Victory. What would you take? Could be a coffee table book!

I've had a month and a half off from RHLSTP (aside from some remote records) and the new run of gigs has come around too fast, but after some mild annoyance at having to do some work, I enjoyed the experience. And who wouldn't? I was going into town to spend a couple of hours in the company of Bob Mortimer and was then going to meet Edinburgh Comedy Best Newcomer Urooj Ashfak.
Always lovely to see Bob and he was in good spirits and of course fantastic on the podcast, though a little bit reticent to talk too openly as last time he was on an offhand comment about his health got turned into something it wasn't by the papers. Whilst it can be good to get an exclusive on the podcast that then gets picked up by the media (if credited), it's annoying when a non-story is made into something it wasn't, but even more so if that then makes future guests cautious about what they say. But perhaps those wild west days when podcasts had the freedom to go anywhere and say anything, seemingly with nobody really noticing are mainly gone. I am not really interested in delving into people's personal lives (if they want to talk about it themselves then that's OK) and would much rather get a funny story or a cool bit of improvised comedy. Luckily that's what you get with Bob, but it's a pain to think that something he said on my podcast might become an irritant.
He is a very generous man and seems to really love doing my show, which is a lovely compliment. I don't think I was on top form, but we got to some interesting areas and we all had a good time.
It's sometimes tough to follow an interview like that, especially as a lesser known act, but Urooj was witty and confident and disarming and we had a lot of fun too. When I mentioned the blog she asked if she'd be in it today, but come on, there's no way. I've been talking to Bob Mortimer.
She's definitely an act to look out for though and we had a fun and interesting chat about performing comedy in a different country to your own and being a question on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?
These ones won't be out til June!
Good to be back in the chair, even if the back is a little low. Loads more gigs coming up. A few extra tickets for the sold out Cardiff gig have been released 

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