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Friday 3rd December 2021
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Friday 3rd December 2021


Sometimes a news story breaks on Friday that would have been perfect for Twitch of Fun. Maybe I should save it for next week. But would that be against the high standards of journalism that Twitch of Fun stands for?
What will the people of the future (if applicable) make of the crazy people trying stuff like this to avoid something that could well save their lives? Probably the same as most people of now make of it. Outside chance is that false arm man will be a hero when it becomes apparent that all the conspiracy theories were true.  I retain an open mind. But my open mind is open minded enough to think I am a dick for not being able to see the obvious truth on this one.

Shifted the balance to family today and did the school runs and took my son to his gym class. I did my first exercise session for two weeks as my back seemed relatively OK and the cold wasn’t hitting me quite so hard. Despite the half marathon my attempt to lose weight has stumbled a bit. I am about a kilo and a half up on the lowest weight I got to, but that’s still only just over the target I’d originally been aiming for. I am realistic enough to know that the best I can hope for is no further increase in December, but hopefully January can bring a fresh effort to get fitter than I am. 
I also need to decide whether the alcoholic abstinence is a permanent thing or whether I will return to the bottle in 2022  (maybe I should take odd years off and even years heavily on). I am slightly missing a tot of whisky at the end of the day, but then I immediately recall how much even a large whisky could knock me out of mental shape. I don’t wake up in the night in a panic any more (unless I’ve eaten spicy food late) and the mornings, whilst still horribly early and hard to get through, are much easier and more cheerful without the very mild hangover.
Drinking more water seems to be working OK for me now and my body has adapted to it, so it’s not quite so much of a precarious existence of discomfort. If this year has taught me anything it is that if an oncologist tells me to do something, then I do it. And also that I want to stay alive as long as possible. So if science is behind it, I am all in. 
It’s crazy to think that world will one day somehow exist without me in it, that my familiar shadow will totally cease to fall upon it. Even though science says that, I think it’s got it wrong this time. I have always been here and so I will always be here. That’s just logic.
After gym I took my boy to the supermarket and we then went for a coffee (the stuff drove him crazy, someone should look into whether kids should be drinking this stuff at all). He has been very well behaved on these excursions, but it’s probably only because he doesn’t have to vie for attention with his sister. Ninety per cent of parenting is about trying to stop them hitting each other or shouting at each other. Safe in one to one time there is no need to act up and no sibling to wind up and it’s mainly a very pleasant experience. Our kids have a confidence that I am not sure either of their parents ever had. We’re doing OK with them. Though I am not sure how much of it is to do with us.
After picking up Phoebe we went home and decorated the tree. It felt hard to believe it was a year since we last did this. And what a year it’s been. 
The kids took charge and it’s a beautiful higgedly-piggeldy mess of tinsel and baubles. I noticed two baubles had been placed right next to each other and wondered if my tree was mocking me.
What a year it’s been.

Retro RHLSTP with Mary Beard today. Well worth your time if you haven’t heard it before/recently. 

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