As you know I have always been 110% behind a diamond hard Brexit and believe that any troubles we’re currently suffering from come from simply not Brexiting hard enough.
So I am delighted to say that today I applied for my definitely blue, restricted freedom of movement Brexit passport. It’s what I voted for. It’s probably the last one I will need, so I die with an indisputably blue diamond Brexit British passport in my clenched fist. Of starvation admittedly, but some things are more important than food.
Maybe it will be my last passport. It will take me through to 65 at least, but by then I will be too decrepit (or dead) to travel surely. I was impressed by how easy it was to apply online though. I got a photo done in a shop in Hitchin and that got loaded up to the passport website, so it was there on my application when I put in the code. I didn’t have to get the back signed by a respected member of the community (though we did the kids’s ones too and theirs needed verifying by someone else but you can do it all online) and it was all sorted in minutes. I just have to post the old one back and then BOOM. Blue Passport. 110% blue. Though apparently it’s like that dress and some Remainers and non-true-Brits see it as a different colour, but clever people know it’s true blue.
A very exciting and controversial frame of self-playing snooker tonight. We’ve actually been approached by a company that specialises in sports podcasts to join their roster. I am not sure if they’ve listened to the podcast, or if they’ve just seen the word snooker in the title. They asked for a run down of downloads and what we hoped to achieve with the podcast and seemed confident that they could improve on whatever we were earning from the podcast so far. I told them I was pretty certain they could too as we currently earn £0 from it. I let him know what we thought the ethos and future of the podcast was too.
"The goal of this podcast was primarily to shake off all the audience (it started at about 30,000 downloads ten years ago, but we’ve been unable to shake off the last 3000 or so) and to be deliberately dull, whilst satirising sport and fandom and promote the idea of sport being played by people who aren’t very good at it and don’t understand the rules. And to find out who is the best at snooker, Me1 or Me 2 (over lockdown we broadend it out to tournaments with up to 40 different Mes).
We have a big back catalogue and also only live-streamed the tournament shows, which I think still exist somewhere and could conceivably be made into podcasts). It’s an art project about tedium and the futility of competition and how our ultimate opponent is ourself and has featured in the Festival of Transgressive art, where several of the other artists (who did things like nail their genitals to things and pulled baby teeth out of their vaginas) walked out because It was too transgressive for them.
So let us know what you think payments and what you can do for us.”
I haven’t heard back. But suspect he has to go and talk to his boss about freeing up the millions of pounds they will need. I have always been open to this podcast having ads, because that’s very much in the spirit of sport, but so far no one has wanted to advertise with us, apart from Durex, who let us do all the ads, but then never coughed up the promised million pounds. So we’ll see how it goes. I’d be delighted to make a living from playing snooker against myself though, if only to show my wife that this WAS worth doing and NOT a complete waste of everyone’s time.
Latest frame available - ad-free, but not for long- in all the usual places on Wednesday.