Thank goodness the Edinburgh Comedy Award has been saved and will be happening this Fringe. I have a feeling that this might be my year at last. Fingers crossed.
Thanks also to all the news outlets that let me know today that Oceangate had suspended operations. I assumed all publicity was good publicity and people would be falling over themselves to book in quickly, but apparently not.
We've been enjoying watching Poker Face this week, a throwback TV series where each episode is a separate story and a woman who can always tell if someone is lying solves murders, whilst trying to keep one step ahead of a mob boss who is trying to have her killed. It's a little bit silly and post modern, deliberately having the feel of shows like Columbo or Murder She Wrote. Natasha Lyonne carries the whole thing through sheer personality and its gleefully formulaic. Murder follows her wherever she goes and she's always friends with the person who gets murdered and yet never (at least not as far as we've got) questions why her pals are so cursed. Sometimes her actions or opinions cause the shift in opinion or lifestyle that prompts the murder, but she can't be blamed for that. It's a bit of escapist fun and nice to see a show that doesn't take itself seriously and makes you feel nostalgic. It's not high drama and you don't have to watch every episode or keep on top of hundreds of story arcs. It's just a woman who can tell if you're lying (somehow) solving the murders of nice people by horrible people, which doesn't even really bother to hide the clues that will lead to the crime being uncovered. And like the Littlest Hobo she hops town before the police arrive, but still manages to wrap things up nicely. And there is still room for some cute surprises.