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Sunday 16th July 2023

The RHLSTP tour was feeling like a long time away. It's in the autumn right? Well yes, but the first gig is less than 8 weeks away and even if we're just looking at September I still have a lot of guests to book. It's such a difficult job. Google will tell you who was born or has lived in a place, but not who currently lives there and even if you find someone who does live nearby then you have to find a way to contact them, hope they're free on the date you're in town and then wait for them or their agent to get back (never being quite sure you've got the right address). A lot of them don't get back. Do you offer to someone else or wait for an answer that might never come?
Don't worry. I'll get there. There are worse jobs.
Anyway I shot off a few requests today, but didn't expect a response on a Sunday and I wasn't disappointed!
We took the kids to a nearby outdoor theatre to watch an afternoon show with a bit of audience interaction. Ernie was particularly keen to shout out ideas about what might happen next and came up with some good stuff. When asked for a location he said "Mount Vesuvius" (he's a bit obsessed with volcanos right now) which I bet they haven't had before and when asked for a form of transport he said "motorbike" which got appreciative murmurs from the other people in the audience. But the actors ignored him on that one because they were singing songs based on each mode of transport and they didn't have anything for motorbike. So they did a train instead.
I felt the play was a bit low on narrative, but the kids both enjoyed it and I suppose it was aimed at them and it was nice to get out in the open air and see theatre with the added jeopardy that we could get soaked at any point. And today there would be nowhere to shelter from a torrential downpour. Luckily the dark clouds skirted round us and only a few light drops of rain brushed our faces. Nature had saved its theatre for yesterday's football match.

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