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Tuesday 26th September 2023

I was very sad to learn that David McCallum had died. I was a bit young for The Man from UNCLE, but was just the right age for the Invisible Man which is one of those TV shows that is seared into my DNA and I can't believe that hardly any of the obits mentioned it. Though Paul Putner did a funny tweet that referenced it. 
I don't know how McCallum so convincingly acted invisible, but he made it totally believable.
He was, of course also in one of the best films of all time, and certainly one of my most-watched, The Great Escape. I wondered how many people were left from the that fine company of actors now and the Great Escape tontine is now between John Leyton and William Russell. The latter actor is in his late 90s and Leyton in his early 80s so the smart money is on the younger man. As he was a successful escaper that seems apt. But Russell has seen off a lot of younger men, so you never know.
And let's not forget Sapphire and Steel (what do you mean you have already?) - there's an episode of that show that I think about probably once a month. About the creature who can appear in any photograph and (I think) attack the people who are in it, in real life). The only course of action is to never be photographed and destroy all photos of yourself that exist, but that's not really possible in the modern world is it. That photo monster guy is going to get you.
Anyway McCallum, maybe more than any other actor, fired my imagination with those three shows, so it's a sad loss, but some happy and scary memories. And who will be the Pike of the Great Escape? Don't tell me.

Another fabulous frame of snooker tonight between two very closely matched opponents. Watch here.
I've been busy beavering away trying to book more guests, with limited, but devastating effect
On October 6th in Tunbridge Wells Robert Bathurst will be joined by Bec Hill
On November 16th in London Ross Noble with be joined by Jon Ronson
On January 22nd in London I will be joined by Bill Bailey (not many tickets left)
On February 1st in Brighton Rufus Jones will be joined by Maisie Adam

Do book ahead (especially for Tunbridge Wells where there are nearly 700 tickets available - oh you can probably buy on the door for that one).

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