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Thursday 30th November 2023

Two people I was convinced would never die and they die on the same day. RIP (one of them).
Yes I am talking about Alistair Darling and Jimmy Corkhill.

This isn't one of Eric Idle's most famous Python songs, but I think it might be his cleverest. Back in the day, before you could google lyrics I had to make up some really odd stuff when I sang along. I think this song was on the contractual obligation album and I loved it, even though, it turns out I didn't understand a fucking thing about it. I didn't really know who Henry Kissinger was beyond he was involved in US politics and had to try and make the words make sense.
I think I thought the words were something like
Henry Kissinger
How we're missing ya
You're the doctor of our dreams
With your crinkly her and your classy purr (actually crinkly hair and glassy stare)
And you Makya vell young schemes (don't know what I thought was going on here, but I had no clue it was actually Machiavellian)
All right so people say that you don't care,
But you've got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher."
I had that last bit right but don't think I really knew who Cher was. So I learned and incorrectly sang a song that I almost fully didn't understand but still thought was funny. Even now the first thing I thought on hearing about his death was that he had nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher. Who I now know, thanks to having introduced her live on Top of the Pops.
Anyway very sad that Shane Macgowan isn't immortal. He only lived five years fewer than Alistair Darling, which is a great advert for getting off your fucking nut for your entire life. Would you rather live to 70 and do nothing of value apart from saving the economy or party for 65 years and outlive everyone you worked with (remember when Shane did Rocking Around the Christmas Tree with Kissinger.). I think Shane just waited to hear the Kissinger news and then thought, I can rest now. Finally I can rest.
His whole body died at least 20 years ago, so it was quite an achievement for him to keep going so long. And what a man. What a life. What a relief for his dentist.

In to London this morning to film some promos for a top secret upcoming project (that I've already talked loads about - the Can I Have My Ball Back? tour. Tickets on sale next week. People on mailing list get advance notice and priority tickets so sign up now if you haven't already - badgers and plussers already on of course). The drive in was a little slow and at one point an elderly person pulled out of a side street after only looking one way and only my lightening reflexes (and the fact it was a 20 mile an hour speed limit) stopped my slamming into them. I gave them a nasty look. They said sorry.
You have to look both ways. They didn't kill me, but they'll probably injure someone one day. So look out for them.
The filming went fine with me listing all the places that I was going to and being too rude for broadcast about some of them. Suffice to say that if you live in a shithole there's a good chance I am coming to a theatre near you!
I got home and did a bit of exercise and prepped a tiny amount for tonight's Twitch of Fun, but aside from the news stories we'd chat about I didn't have any idea. It turned out to be a good one, I think. Usually the less I prepare the better it is, but I do have to rely on Ally being on top of his game, which luckily he was tonight. Should I be concerned that he's my best friend and certainly the one I talke most to?

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