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Saturday 20th January 2024

Thought I might do a Park Run this morning, but with the kids away for the night I didn't properly wake up until 9.50am (PR starts at 9).. Which is probably better for my health than running in the freezing cold. It was certainly a rare treat and we were in no rush to get out of bed. Eventually though we headed into town to get some lunch and do some grocery shopping. My favourite thing in my life has been being a dad, but this tiny holiday from being a dad was unbelievably refreshing. We went to a cafe called Chilli Bs recommended by the people of Hitchin on their Facebook group. The seated area was full, but we got to sit in the takeaway side on stools and chat with the owners as they griddled us the kind of amazing sandwiches that I have resisted eating over the last few months. Both a break from the family and from the diet. Real and amazing freedom. However good something is for you, you need to step away occasionally.
On the way through Hitchin town square we'd seen a group of four middle-ages women, most of whom were wearing witches hats. They were looking for something on their phones. They didn't look like a hen party and it was too early for fancy dress or late for Halloween. We wondered if they were taking part in some kind of interactive game, like when we'd done a disappointing Alice in Wonderland trail in central London. But it they were then no one else was noticeably doing it, or wearing costumes. I think they might have been actual witches. Hitchin witches. Hitches.
I was glad to see the kids when we got home though and Catie had somehow managed a double hall pass and was heading into London town to meet up with friends. The rest of us played video games and watched TV and ate sweet stuff (I am back on the Zoe app tomorrow). Ernie managed to sleep despite his anxiety about imminent zombie apocalypse, Phoebe managed to twist me round her little finger to stay up late and get some crisps (though unusually she did offer to share them with me without prompting) and we watched Futurama.
Not as good as a griddled sandwich, but not bad.

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