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Monday 12th February 2024

Basically better today, though didn't want to risk driving into town and I was staying the night as I am on Good Morning Britain tomorrow (plus Catie really wanted to have the car) so I came in on the train. I was staying at the Hilton off the Shepherd's Bush roundabout, so the journey post-gig was very similar to the old days. Central Line to the Bush. I'd forgotten about the green columns you see as the train pulls into the station. But they made me smile when I saw them. It's almost seven years since we left the Bush. Time, as I may have observed, is going fast and yet, as I may have observed, those days seem long ago at the same time.
Ricky Gervais had left the dressing room covered in upwards of five peanuts, but he'd also left some bananas, so it was swings and roundabouts. Or all swings if you like eating floor peanuts. I ate one of his bananas, which I think is justified payment for the influence that my work has had on his (he copied Stewart Lee, Stewart Lee copied me). I had hoped that Ricky might hang around one day for a RHLSTP, which would doubtless be an interesting interview, but so far he has not accepted any invites.
No problem tonight as I had two of the best comics working in the UK right now, Rosie Jones and Ed Gamble - sorry what am I saying, one of the best comics working in the UK and Ed Gamble.
Rosie has absolutely smashed things out of the park in the five years since she was last on and even though I have been known to get a lot of stuff done, I am unable to comprehend how she fits so much in. She's a scamp and a delight and her kids' book is really lovely. As much as it's ace to have a book with a ballsy disabled character at its centre, it's actually rather more revolutionary for that kid to slowly discover her true sexuality (where does Rosie get her crazy ideas from?).
Then Ed Gamble came on and ruined it.
It was actually terrific fun to have him on and treat him with a contempt that does not usually feature in RHLSTP Book Clubs. But maybe I should be so dismissive to all the proper authors and academics. What's lovely about working with Ed is I know I can throw the whole show over the cliff and we'll still rescue it. There was some really stupid bits in this and though I hate to say it, in spite of his tiny ears and little nose, Ed gets more handsome each time I see him. Even though he doesn't spend his millions on a fleet of ice cream vans which refuse to sell ice cream, which is apparently what I would do if I was him.

Great news - the other guest for the Dublin RHLSTP will be The Divine Comedy's Neil Hannon. This one is already the best selling date of the tour - with a bit of a push it could become the best selling RHLSTP ever. Come on Dublin! 

Apparently the Bedford Corn Exchange has flooded so this week's gig has been postponed until 21st March. Olaf Falafel is still guesting, but sadly the Exploding Heads can't make that date. I have a brilliant guest pencilled in though. Will let you know when confirmed. If you've got tickets already then the venue will be in touch and you'll get a full refund if you can't make the new date. Tickets here.

Retro RHLSTP with Limmy - wherever you get your pods 

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