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Tuesday 19th June 2007

I only had two Flumps today. Hopefully I am on the road to recovery.

Everything is catching up with me a little bit. I have, I suppose, been stupidly busy this year and have had not had a chance to get away from the world of comedy. Writing was followed by filming which was followed by touring and more writing and then the minute the tour is over I am straight into working on my new show. My brain has been rebelling this week and I have spent the last two days more or less comatose on my sofa, watching Voyager on Sky+ and playing internet poker and doing nothing. I have been forced to rise from my stupor because I have had gigs to do in the night time. Otherwise I don't think I would have been out of the house. I don't suppose I should be beating myself up for my laziness, but it can't continue for too long. For starters I need to get the programme for the show written (and whilst I remember, you need to donate by Monday at the justgiving page if you want your name in the programme and you need to donate more than £100 if you want to win whatever magnificent prize I come up with for the most generous person - at the moment it includes my ripped fight T-shirt (unwashed), the trainers I wore in YCCYF and mau and the gullible notes from mau - there will be something else too) and I suppose I should also try and write a show too.
Though I have managed to struggle through to about 40 minutes in the three or four previews so far and whilst it is far from being ready (and most of the stuff I have done will be changed or cut) that is still encouraging for literally no work at all. People seemed to have enjoyed it, though I am slightly embarrassed by it at the moment. There is still time, though I have to admit that my slightly addled mind was still under the impression that it was the first week of June at the moment, and now I check my calendar I see it's really closer to being the last week of June. I am old now and things can pass me by, but that's a bit of a kick up the arse. I think I am just pretending it's early June so I don't have to think about it nearly being early July. Oh God.
This year's show will either be comedy laced with tragedy or tragedy laced with comedy. At the moment it is much more the latter. But maybe that is funnier. I really have to try and put some jokes in amongst the self-pitying existential angst!
Or it might just be me sleeping on stage with a sign above me apologising for having taken too much on.
It's a young man's game this comedy lark. Ask Bernard Manning.

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