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Saturday 1st March 2008

Days Without Alcohol - 62
Two months down and aside from the debilitating illness it's all going well (and not sure that I can really blame the not drinking for that). Still not missing the booze and in the years where I have given up before I am usually climbing the walls by this stage, but I am not in the least bit keen to go back I am going to try and keep it up for at least another month.

A much needed day off today to give me a shot at recovering properly before the next leg of the tour. I stayed in and vegged out mainly just watching rubbish on TV. I saw more of the film Bicentennial Man than anyone should really ever watch. Even for a Robin Williams film it is extremely bad. It is fitting that the man who once played Mork is now the king of the mawkish (maybe Emma Kennedy should think about marrying him) but there is something cold, unsettling and freakish about him, and even though he was playing a robot in this movie, this was still not a good thing. Why any woman would fall for this oddball in any of his films is beyond me, but this time a woman leaves her fiance for him. Even though he is a robot. God, it was awful. I won't waste any more of your time with that.
Later I watched "Superbad" on DVD which was a whole lot more enjoyable (I managed to somehow resist choosing a Robin Williams film in Blockbusters - the one where he plays a priest and the bloke from the American Office is getting married). It's a really fun look at adolescence, with some excellent performances from the young actors and the film has a proper heart, even though it is about young men trying to buy booze and anxious about having sex with girls. The only thing that could improve it really is if Robin Williams was playing their teacher and gave them advice about their lives, whilst smiling in a sinister fashion, before all the young women fall in love with him and decide to sleep with him instead.

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