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Tuesday 7th March 2023


God damn. Who would have thought a day of exertion when I was still ill would just make me more ill. A big step back today so I spent most of my time in bed. Though obviously got in one book club podcast too. Because the show must go on. Even if there is no audience and you could do it any time. It was nice to have a distraction to be honest and luckily Abigail Burdess, author of the excellent Mother’s Day, did most of the talking. I then went back to bed and had a little sleep. 
I guess I don’t cope too well with being forced not to work - perhaps a sign of that was me recording a RHLSTP one week after having my testicle removed, but I have cancelled very few gigs in my life due to illness and to be fair, shuffling across from my attic sick bed to my desk in the attic to talk to someone about their book isn’t really too much of an exertion. Driving to London and back and doing two audience podcasts might have been, but I knew it was possible and I knew that the shows would still be good (which they were), even if I wasn’t quite as sharp as usual (and let’s face it that can still happen when I am well).  And THE SHOW MUST GO ON. I don’t know why. But if I don’t turn up then there isn’t a show. So it needs to be something very serious to stop me.
I am sick of being sick and bored of being ill now though. It’s been bubbling around for a week, though the last five days have been the worst. I have been eating junk and not moving much which makes me feel even more awful. I suppose it’s basically two years since I started pulling myself together after my operation and so hopefully the spring and summer will see me getting fit.  But my desire to give up sugar seems to have made me eat about 5 times the amount of sugar I was eating before I wanted to give it up. Will I never learn?
Definitely not. 

Phoebe keeps getting confused between poker and snooker. And to be fair it makes sense to think that snooker is called poker as that’s the only game out of the two that involves poking (unless the poker goes really well or is the strip version). She thinks poker needs to be renamed and suggested “Do you Dare?” so can we all call it that from now. And ignore the fact I’ve taught my 8 year old to play poker (I mean, Do You Dare?). Hopefully all the current poker players and organisations will happily get on board with this change. It is a cooler name. I look forward to the World Series of Do You Dare? Imagine the adverts - "Do you dare watch Do You Dare? Do you dare play Do You Dare? Who will dare the best tonight. Remember Who Dares Wins! Sometimes. Though other times they dare and lose."

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